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by Grazietta Hof

由Grazietta Hof

如何找到学生的软件开发人员实习生 (How to find a Software Developer Internship as a student)

Side note: Although this article is directed at students (because I am one so I can easily relate), I’m sure a lot of these tips can still be helpful for people that are not students and are looking for a software developer internship.


As my last internship comes to a close, I’ve reflected a lot on what I would have done differently when searching for internships. I’m going to tell you everything I know, but first I need to give a bit of background about myself.

当我最后一次实习即将结束时,我已经深思了我在寻找实习机会时会做些什么。 我将告诉您我所知道的一切,但首先我需要提供一些关于我自己的背景。

Around two and a half years ago, I officially decided to change my major to Computing Science. Around that time I also had to start looking for internships. Coming from a Statistics background I was clueless about the tech industry but finally found an internship as a QA developer.

大约两年半前,我正式决定将我的专业改为计算机科学。 在那段时间,我还不得不开始寻找实习机会。 来自统计学背景,我对技术行业一无所知,但最终找到了一名QA开发人员实习职位。

Here is the first lesson I learned - you don’t have to accept the first job offer you get. It was my first ever interview too! It wouldn’t have hurt to wait a couple of months to find an internship I was excited about. But to be honest, I was inexperienced and just really wanted a job in the field.

这是我学到的第一课-您不必接受所获得的第一份工作。 这也是我第一次面试! 等待几个月才找到令我兴奋的实习生并没有什么伤害。 但是说实话,我没有经验,只是真的想要在该领域工作。

I didn’t really enjoy the work I was doing as a QA developer intern. It just wasn’t for me. But during that time, I did realize that I wanted to a be a software developer, and started to understand the tech job market a bit more and how to build an attractive portfolio.

我不太喜欢作为QA开发人员实习生所做的工作。 只是不适合我。 但是在那段时间里,我的确意识到我想成为一名软件开发人员,并开始对技术工作市场有更多了解,以及如何建立有吸引力的投资组合。

So even though I now have the privilege of working as a software developer intern at a company I feel passionate about, I can’t help but wish I knew the things I know now from the start (I know, right - wishful thinking).


That’s why I’m writing this article to help other people find a kickass first internship. ?

这就是为什么我要写这篇文章来帮助其他人找到我的第一次实习。 ?

So here’s my advice ?


1.不用担心,如果您需要很长时间才能获得作为软件开发人员的第一次实习机会 (1. Don’t worry if it takes a long time to get your first internship as a software developer)

I’ve witnessed many students apply for internships for over eight months with no job offer. And I’ve seen their confidence crumble and them being harsh on themselves, but I think having a hard time finding your first internship is a pretty normal experience especially for students that haven’t taken any upper-level courses yet. So don’t stress.

我目睹许多学生在没有工作的情况下申请了八个月以上的实习机会。 而且我已经看到他们的信心崩溃了,他们对自己也很苛刻,但是我认为很难找到自己的第一次实习是很正常的经历,特别是对于那些还没有参加任何高级课程的学生。 所以不要紧张。

I can gladly say that my friends who struggled to find internships at first have found internships at great places. Also, many companies look for students that have about a year left of school. They have more experience, and the company can more easily offer them a full-time position for when they graduate. This plays a huge factor in why a lot of people who apply in second year struggle to get jobs.

我可以高兴地说,刚开始努力寻找实习机会的朋友在好地方找到了实习机会。 另外,许多公司都在寻找离学校大约一年的学生。 他们拥有更多经验,公司可以更轻松地为他们提供毕业后的全职职位。 这是为什么许多第二年申请工作的人很难找到工作的一个重要因素。

2.个人项目与您的GPA一样重要(甚至更多) (2. Personal Projects are just as important (maybe even more) as your GPA)

My whole life I’ve been very focused on school, believing that my grades were going to make me successful, and give me the life I want and that bad grades would destroy me. But now that I think back, I could have cared a little less about school, and focused on things like passion projects that would have made me a happier person. Besides, personal projects related to your field of study look great on resumes. It shows employers you are creative and have initiative.

我一生都非常专注于学校,我相信自己的成绩将使我成功,并给我想要的生活,而糟糕的成绩会毁了我。 但是现在回想起来,我本来可以对学校的关注有所减少,而专注于诸如激情项目之类的事情,这些事情会使我变得更快乐。 此外,与您的研究领域相关的个人项目在简历上看起来很棒。 它向雇主表明您具有创造力和主动性。

When I finally let go of caring too much about my grades and started to focus more on my personal coding projects, I started to notice that my grades didn’t budge. I spent less time on school but I was doing equally as well. Probably because I wasn’t stressing so much about my performance, and could retain more information by being relaxed.

当我终于放宽对成绩的关心,并开始更加专注于我的个人编码项目时,我开始注意到我的成绩没有变化。 我花在学校上的时间更少,但我也做得一样。 可能是因为我对自己的表现并没有太大的压力,并且可以通过放松来保留更多信息。

The personal projects I built have definitely helped me find the internship I have now. Employers don’t care so much about your grades as much as they do about your software development skills. Unless you’re planning on going to a top tier grad school, grades don’t matter that much in the tech industry.

我建立的个人项目无疑帮助我找到了现在的实习机会。 雇主不太关心您的成绩,而不是他们关心您的软件开发技能。 除非您打算上一所一流的研究生学校,否则在科技行业中成绩并不重要。

So if you worry a lot about school like me, my advice would be to worry less, and get your hands dirty building software.


3.持续测试市场-即使您现在不在找工作,也始终应聘 (3. Keep testing the market - always apply even if you’re not looking for a job right now)

Always apply to internships when you can. Popular companies like Microsoft give out internships a year in advance, so even if you’re not currently looking for a position - just apply. Worst case scenario you get more interview practice. Applying to jobs often also helps you to ‘test the market’. What this means is that you find where you stand in terms of your competition. Getting no interviews? Work a little harder. Build another project. Then come back, and apply again.

如果可以,请务必申请实习。 像Microsoft这样的热门公司会提前一年提供实习机会,因此,即使您当前不在寻找职位,也可以申请。 最坏的情况下,您会得到更多的采访练习。 申请工作通常还可以帮助您“测试市场”。 这意味着您可以找到自己在竞争中所处的位置。 没有面试? 努力一点。 建立另一个项目。 然后回来,然后再次申请。

4.在接受工作之前尝试对工作场所文化进行研究 (4. Try to do research on the workplace culture before accepting a job)

I learned this the hard way. But this is especially important for underrepresented minorities. Some tech companies can be uncomfortable to work at when you are a minority. Ending up at a workplace like this can be soul-sucking, and deter you from tech completely. So do your research. Ask around if someone in your network has worked at the company and if so, how their experience was.

我经过惨痛的教训才学到这个。 但这对于代表性不足的少数民族尤其重要。 当您是少数人时,有些科技公司可能会不适应工作。 进入这样的工作场所可能会令人伤心,并完全阻止您使用技术。 您的研究也是如此。 询问周围的人是否在公司工作过,如果有,他们的工作经验如何。

5.志存高远 (5. Aim high)

Up until a year ago, I didn’t believe I could ever get a job at Google or Microsoft because I thought I would never be good enough. Those companies are for geniuses who have been coding their whole life, I thought. Now I know that’s not true.

直到一年前,我都不敢在Google或Microsoft找到工作,因为我以为自己永远做不到。 我认为,这些公司是为那些一生都在编码的天才而设计的。 现在我知道那是不对的。

Companies look for good developers but also for people with good soft skills that can bring a fresh perspective to a team. So if you work hard, have experience working on personal projects, and a decent GPA (not a big requirement but it helps your case), and prep well for interviews - you definitely have a chance with Google, and you should apply.

公司在寻找优秀的开发人员的同时,也寻找具有良好软实力的人员,这些人员可以为团队带来新的视角。 因此,如果您努力工作,有从事个人项目的经验,并且拥有不错的GPA(虽然不是很大的要求,但这对您的情况有所帮助),并且为面试做好了准备-您肯定有机会与Google接触,您应该申请。




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